A soccer-mad lion gets to grips with the game at Johannesburg Zoo - showing that football fever has taken over South Africa, the Daily Mail reported. Triton the 11-year-old male lion prefers a soccer ball to playing with any of the 7 females he lives with at the zoo's lion enclosure. "He doesn't like any of the females to come and interfere if he's playing with his ball. It's clear he thinks it's a man's game. He won't share it with any of the ladies." Curator Agnes Mululeke said.据英国《每日邮报》报道,足球热潮席卷南非,就连约翰内斯堡动物园内一头雄狮也对这项运动十分痴狂。这头11岁大的雄狮名叫海神,因痴迷足球,不愿与动物园内其它7头雌狮玩耍。动物园管理员阿格尼斯·穆鲁莱克说,海神在玩足球的时候,不喜欢雌狮过来打扰它的兴致。很显然,它认为足球是"男人"的运动,不希望与"女士们"一起分享。