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[官网新闻] [原创]弗雷:"关键的扑救,我们要改进我们的防守"



发表于 2005-8-17 19:20:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>Frey: “Decisive Saves, We Shall Improve At The Back”
8/17/2005 12:33:00 PM</P>
<>Sebastien Frey is satisfied with the performance against Rimini, in particular thanks to some decisive saves he made which kept the match open for Fiorentina who then qualified to the third round of the Tim Cup.
“We must remain concentrated, I train on purpose for this during the sessions, to always remain with my head in the match even though during 30 minutes you only get one shot on goal, but you still have to save it.” Sebastien Frey, French keeper who arrived during last summer to defend the Fiorentina goalposts, was decisive against Rimini in a couple of occasions. “We knew that it would have been a particular encounter. They played with everything they had and we were a bit tired from the preparation to the league. In these days we are pushing a lot during training and in any case we were good to qualify, to overturn the result and close the match.”
Now during the week there will be the analysis of the match and a look at the next match against Cesena. “We shall watch the full match with the coach during the week, analyzing what worked and what did not go well, and then we shall work on the preparation and the next match.”
在本周内球队将会对这场比赛进行细致的评析并为下一场和锡耶纳的比赛做些准备."我们将会和教练一起观看整场比赛的录像,分析一下我们哪里做得对头而哪里做的不够好,在那以后我们又将会为下一场比赛做好准备."</P><IMG src="http://media.acffiorentina.it/200508/2478_news.jpg?ver=1" border=0>
  • TA的每日心情
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    发表于 2005-8-18 21:33:21 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-2-22 13:30
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    发表于 2005-8-18 21:54:04 | 显示全部楼层
    [em01]<FONT size=3>北京时间8月18日英国消息,由伦敦世界职业球员协会(FIFPro)主办的世界年度新星评选中,中国球员董方卓的名字,与11位国际知名的大牌球星并列在了一起,成为FIFPro年度新星评选的候选人之一。 </FONT>

    <>  具体12名候选人包括:



    发表于 2005-8-18 23:34:56 | 显示全部楼层


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